Our dive center is located in the campsite "Les Medes" and offers all the services.
You could found a parking lot, a wide base of diving, a very nice office with a classroom equipped for 7 students and a chill-out for moments of conviviality.
aula aquaticaOwn classroom equipped with all the teaching elements of SSI for theory sessions, TV, DVD and internet connection (although now with the online courses SSI e-Learning we managed to spend little time inside!)
Piscina aquaticaOwn pool for the first practices with the team during your diving course.
equipos mares20 complete equipment Mares Diving Center of all sizes renewed every 2 years. Space to sweeten the equipment and save them if you stay several days.
vestuario aquatica
Clothing and showers, to be able to go equipped to the port, and take a shower when returning from the dive.
Camping les Medes
Parc Natural del Montgrí
Mission Deep Blue
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