EL NEGRE DEL FALAGUER. Max. Depth: -12 / -28 meters, depending on experience
This is one of the most frequented areas of the Montgrí coast for two reasons: on the one hand, the great versatility of its funds, which allows from dive baptisms to deep dives, and on the other hand, the shelter it offers in Tramontana days.
How many days have we thanked this corner for offering us the only sheltered area of the coast! In the background, bream, octopus and an important representation of the family of the wrasses will be the most outstanding species.
PUNTA SALINES. Max depth: -26 meters
This area offers us one of the best gorgonian walls (Paramuricea Clavata) of the Montgrí coast, as well as the possibility of seeing groupers little used to the presence of divers.
On summer evenings, when the garbí wind blows strong, this area offers an unpayable shelter.
SALPATXOT. Max. Depth: -25 meters
With this name is known a small reef located north of the Great Meda. In all the immersion we will not find walls, caves or tunnels, but a series of large blocks of rock on a sandy bottom.
Each of these blocks is a small world that hosts a large number of fish: groupers, corvallos, scorpions, dentexes ...
Between a block and the adjoining one, the sandy bottom is covered with Posidonia (Posidonia Oceánica) which is the habitat of many small fishes and crustaceans and, above all, of the largest bivalve we can find in our waters: the nacre (Pinna Nobilis) , a species in regression that must be protected.
TASCONS. Max. Depth: -25 meters
Tasco Gros and Tasco Petit are two islets located south of Meda Petita, next to Carall Bernat.
They offer a calm, shallow and uncomplicated dive. At the same time, we will find a great density of fish, with a prominent presence of the king of the Medes Islands, the grouper.
From the Tascons area you can go, heading south, to l'Escribana, a formation of rock walls covered with gorgonians that reach up to -40 meters.
FERRANELLES. Max. Depth: -25 meters
This is one of the areas with the softest bottom of the Medes Islands. The islet of the Ferranelles is located south of Meda Petita, between it and the Tascons.
There we will find scorpions, breams, dentexes and groupers. From here, as from the Tascons, you can go south to the area of l'Escribana, where we will reach up to -40 
Camping les Medes
Parc Natural del Montgrí
Mission Deep Blue
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